1. User Access Rights
From Faces to Cytric
- Any change of roles and/or Faces usertype (Traveller, Arranger, Approver) will also affect the Cytric roles
- No change in roles and Faces usertype will not override any existing role setup in Cytric
- Changes of profile data (e.g. phone, email etc.) without changing roles will not override any existing role setup in Cytric
- Adding or changing roles will not synchronize any User Access Rights of Assignments for Travel Arrangers/Trip Approvers in the user profile. Existing Assignments setting will be deleted by changing or adding roles
From Cytric to Faces
- No Assignments for Travel Arranger/Trip Approvers are synchronized
2. Rail
From Faces to Cytric
- The activation of "collect points" in the Traveller Profile will also synchronize the Railcard as "Frequent Traveller Numbers - Rail"
- DB bonus.card is not a valid card in Cytric, therefore no synchronisation will take place
- DB Card 100 is not a valid Frequent Traveller-Railcard, therefore no synchronisation will take place in case of activation of "collect points"
From Cytric to Faces
- If same card is entered as Railcard and Frequent Traveller-Railcard, "collect points" will be activated in Faces
- If Card type, number or validity between Railcard and Frequent Traveller-Railcard are different, only the Railcard without activation "collect points" is synchronized. In case Frequent Traveller-Railcard is "Bonuscard Business" and another Railcard is entered, both cards are synchronized
3. Form of payment / credit cards
From Faces to Cytric
- If “use as form of payment” is activated in Faces, the credit card in cytric will be marked as “preferred CC”
- If more than one credit card is active with “use as form of payment” in Faces, the first credit card will be marked as “preferred CC” in Cytric
From Cytric to Faces
- The “preferred CC” in the credit card will activate the “use as form of payment “ in the Faces credit card
- Existing “use as form of payment” in Faces will not be overridden
The Cytric parameters in “Assign Credit Card to Vendor” are not synchronized
4. Login Name / Username
From Cytric to Faces
- In case of duplicate usage of a login name in the Cytric systems, Faces will automatically process the incoming profile and will create the username from the Profile ID rather of rejecting the profile
5. Middlename
From Faces to Cytric.
- Faces sends the middle name to Personal Data/Middlename and Passport/Middlename. This has the effect that no different middle name can be stored in Personal Data/Middlename and Passport/Middlename.
From Cytric to Faces
- If Passport/Middlename and Personal Data/Middlename are both filled out in Cytric, we read from the Personal Data/Middlename
- If only one Middlename has been given, we read the name from either the Personal Data or Passport section.
6. Approver
From Faces to Cytirc
- Approver will be only pushed in case of any modifications apply.