Under this section, one can discern on which agency that the company was created or to which agency that the company is attached.

Usually, the agency name is added to replace the "Agency name" part of the above title. If the agency's name is Hakuna Matata Simba Travel, then it would be "Your Hakuna Matata Simba Travel team"




AgencyHere the agency name is indicated

A free text can be entered here. This information entered here is published as an RX line to Amadeus Brigita Okello CC!

Email delivery

One Can choose between Amadeus Fax Email Plus and Amadues Mail Brigita Kapferer CC to elaborate?!

Email invoice delivery

E-Mailaddress which is used for invoice delivery. This field can be used in Custom publish action, source 'emailInvoiceDelivery'. Brigita Okello link + edit

Self-registrationThis is a module that is only visible if it has been activated on the agency as it is associated with fixed monthly costs per company. If the button is set to "On" n a company profile, then a self registration link can be generated and sent to the travellers or travel-arrangers to create the traveller profiles. In this case, only the company name is prefilled
Travellers (CSV)Click on the link to download the traveller profiles of the particular company in a CSV-File
Upload from CSV

Use this link to upload a CSV-File of traveller profiles of the specific company. The fields as illustrated in the below picture then pop up


  • So as to comply with our GDPR regulations, the administrators is prompted to activate the "Permission to upload sensitive data as per GDPR has been granted" box. Click on "Choose File" followed by "Upload"
  • If the upload leads into an error the relevant messages are shown. A CSV version of the error message is available in "errorfile". The errors are usually clearly indicated on the last column on the extreme right of the CSV
    • The errors indicated at this point are only related to upload into Faces and not whether or not Faces has been able to publish the profiles successfully into other Interfaces or not. For instances where the CSV file data meets the requirements needed to create/ update a profile in Faces but those required to synchronize a profile into a particular GDS/ OBE, the profile is created in Faces from the CSV without an "errorfile". An error is however generated within the User Interface and is reflected on the traveller profile under the sections Publishing (Traveller Tab) or in the Profile Center under Publishing errors

Please take into account that:

  • Every single data field that has been filled out in the CSV will be transmitted into Faces
  • Mandatory fields have to be completed in the CSV for the upload to be successful
  • Dates like birthday must have the Format dd.mm.yyyy (e.g. 23.06.1962)
  • The modifications of numbers (credit card numbers, frequent Flyer numbers) in Microsoft Excel in a CSV-file have some specifications! In Microsoft Excel a number, with more than 15 counts, is automatically displayed exponentially.(KB214233). Numbers like 12345678901234567 will be converted in 1.23457E+16. To prevent this situation, numbers should be captured including spaces, e.g. '1234 5678 9012 34567'.
  • The CSV is produced UTF-8 Code, by opening the CSV with Excel the CSV is encode with ISO-8859-1. For this reason the Special characters "Œ, œ, Š, š, Ÿ, Ž, ž" are not correctly displayed in Excel