Error Message | Profile Type | Meaning | Solution |
BUSINESS FILE DOES NOT EXIST | Traveller | The BAR title on the company profile does not exist anymore (company profile was already purged directly in Galileo) | Faces support team/ Circle administrators have to remove the publishing state from the company profile. After this action, saving the profile anew generates a new BAR Title in Faces as well as in Galileo. Save the traveller profile in Faces to ensure a successful sync |
VERIFY - UNABLE TO LOCATE TITLE/S | Company | The Bar title can not be found/ already deleted in Galileo | Faces support team/ Circle administrators have to remove the publishing state. After this action, saving the profile anew generates a new BAR Title in Faces as well as in Galileo |
Associated company has no record locator | Traveller | The company profile has not yet been published to Galileo | Activate the interface on the company profile in Faces, save the company profile to generate a BAR Title, then save the traveller profile in Faces for a successful sync to take place |
Rename failed: VERIFY - DUPLICATE TITLE ENTERED | Company | Blank/space on the end of the BAR Title (shortname) not allowed | Remove blank/space at the end of the shortname |
Verify Business File Format/ Title | Company | Special characters are not allowed in Short name | Remove special characters and save |
VERIFY - FIELD DELIMITER | Traveller | Blank/space on the end of a field (i.e. passport number) not allowed | Remove blank/space at the end of the fields |
Unable to Process | Traveller/ Company |
DUPLICATE FILE EXISTS | Traveller/ Copmany | Duplicate PAR title or duplicate Short name |
Failed: Server failed to process request (Uncaught Service Exception cause:com.cendant.tds.soa.framework.ServiceException: Exception ReturnedERR: AGENT ID - GALILEOWith the Dynamic GTID list of:AD86B9 ) (-1 | Traveller/ Company | Error generated by Travelport due to invalid login credentials | Umbrella support has to create a ticket in travelport support tool so that the host sign on is updated |
Assumed city not allowed | Company | There is a copy action either on the agency or on the company setup with the source "gwsAgencyLocation", but the city code has not been filled in the corresponding field on the company profile | The "Agency location" field under "Interface setup" subsection of the company profile has to be field out with a three letter city code |
VERIFY SUBFIELD - USE CORRECT FORMAT | Traveller/Company | Restrictions on subfields in address. Maximum of 5 subfields allowed with max 37 characters each. Also, 119 max characters for the entire field. | Correct the field to fit within the max character/number. Regex options available to truncate lines if no control over amount of characters being entered. example to truncate the address subfield if built as a custom workaddress field: firstname,name,tf:regexp(tf:replace(genInternalworkaddress,"#=;.=;/=;&="),"^(.{1,37})(.+)$","*$1"),genInternalworkcity,genInternalworkstate,genInternalworkzip