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Send profile updates toThis field indicates to which Email account an alert about an create, update or change will be sent. Emails would only be triggered if changes are executed by travellers or company admins

If changes are done by the agency admin no email alert is send. In case of no email address is inserted, no alert emails will be sent. (Email Alert example below)

It is possible to add several email addresses by separating them using a comma

Send system notifications toA system notification is an email message which informs about incoming update/creation profiles from external Systems, which cannot be processed due to technical reason, e. g. Cytric Org Id Community not existing in Faces, user login is already in use etc. Multiple email addresses can be entered to which the notifications should be sent (comma separated)

Send e-mails as 

Please note we do not support oAuth as an authentication meachanism for the email Send As facility. We only support standard SMTP authentication with username/password. Client should be able to enable SMTP AUTH for the credentials used in Faces.

For details on how to do this with Microsoft please evaluate the options connector option outlined in and Our support team can provide you with the IP-Address for the connector whitelist

E-mailEnter the e-mail that you want to be used to send out notifications emails. This applies to credentials emails and profile reminders/expired documents, profile update emails etc. (where enabled) but does not apply to system notification
SMTP server

Enter your SMTP Server (if left empty, the Umbrella server will be used***)

If using any port other than the standard (25) please append :port_number after the server address.


To validate the SMTP server is working, we will attempt to send an e-mail to deadletter (at) umbrella (dot) ch
The Server will only be accepted if this e-mail can be successfully sent, otherwise the encountered error message is presented in the UI and saving is aborted

UsernameFill in the username set for your mailing server (not needed if the Umbrella server is to be used and the "SMTP server" field is not filled***)
PasswordFill in the password set for your mailing server (not needed if the Umbrella server is to be used and the "SMTP server" field is not filled***)
EncryptionChoose from None, Basic and TLS depending on your set prerequisites
 ***Note: default to the Umbrella server will not be available after 01Dec2024
