Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Date of birthPBD 
Phone businessAP -B//Customer/Telephone[@PhoneLocationType='7']
Phone privateAP -H//Customer/Telephone[@PhoneLocationType='6']
Mobile phone
  • AP -M
  • APM


  • Amadeus Mail:
    • If "Itinerary" is activated: APE-
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: APE-PAX*
  • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
    • If "Itinerary" is activated: RM*EMAIL
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: RM*PAX*EMAIL
  • Amadeus Mail:
    • not available
    • //Customer/Email[starts-with(text(), 'PAX*')]
  • Amaeus Fax Email Plus
    • not available
    • //Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and Text[starts-with(text(), '*PAX')]]
Form of payment / credit cardsFP (if "use as form of payment is activated)//PaymentForm[starts-with(PaymentCard/@Text, 'CC')]
Form of payment / other form of paymentFP INV//PaymentForm[PaymentCard/@Text='INV']
Seat requestST///PrefCollections/PrefCollection/AirlinePref/SeatPref
Meal requestSR*//AirlinePref/SSR_Pref[substring(@SSR_Code, 3) = 'ML']
Airline Company program  
Airline + Number

FFN (complete section)

or special airline i.e. TK only




PINRX//Comments/Comment[@Name='RX' and Text[starts-with(text(), 'PIN')]]


Hotel Program  
Hotel guaranteePHI/G 
Hotel chainPHI/CO//PrefCollections/PrefCollection[RuleManagement/@TravelSector='3' and not(HotelPref/PaymentFormPref and count(HotelPref/*) = 1)]
NumberPHI/ID//PrefCollections/PrefCollection[RuleManagement/@TravelSector='3' and not(HotelPref/PaymentFormPref and count(HotelPref/*) = 1)]
Customer requestPHI/SI//PrefCollections/PrefCollection[RuleManagement/@TravelSector='3' and not(HotelPref/PaymentFormPref and count(HotelPref/*) = 1)]
Rental car travel policy  
Guarantee Car RentalPCI/G 
Rental car companyPCI/CO

//PrefCollections/PrefCollection[RuleManagement/@TravelSector='2' and not(VehicleRentalPref/PaymentFormPref and count(VehicleRentalPref/*) = 1)]


//PrefCollections/PrefCollection[RuleManagement/@TravelSector='2' and not(VehicleRentalPref/PaymentFormPref and count(VehicleRentalPref/*) = 1)]

Customer requestPCI/SI

//PrefCollections/PrefCollection[RuleManagement/@TravelSector='2' and not(VehicleRentalPref/PaymentFormPref and count(VehicleRentalPref/*) = 1)]

Rail informationAmadeus Rail Mapping(complete) RMR/PPS
  • //Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and contains (@Category,'R')]
  • //Comments/Comment[@Name='PPS']
Rail informationGerman Rail mapping (complete) RM*DB://Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and Text[starts-with(text(), '*DB:')]]
Rail information

German Rail mapping

RM*DB:ERM (reduction code)
RM*DB:DA (Delivery type)
RM*DB:RW (Seat preferences)

//Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and (starts-with(Text, '*DB:RW') or starts-with(Text, '*DB:DA') or starts-with(Text, '*DB:ERM'))]
Rail InformationAmadeus Rail Mapping ( remove SNCB Thalys and Eurostar Rail)//Comments/Comment[@Name='RM'and contains(Text,'LC/THA/CYB/') or contains(Text,'LC/ERS/EFT/') or contains(Text,'RAILCARD-THA-')]
Travel documents (Documents)
  • PID
  • PIV
  • PID
  • //Customer/Document
  • //Customer/Document[@DocType='2']
  • //Customer/Document[@DocType='1']
  • //Customer/Document[@DocType='5']
TSASR DOCS//AirlinePref/SSR_Pref[@SSR_Code='DOCS' and starts-with (@SSR_FreeText, '///')]
APISSR DOCS-P///AirlinePref/SSR_Pref[@SSR_Code='DOCS' and starts-with (@SSR_FreeText, 'P/')]
Arranger Name & PhoneAP <Name> <phone>,/-ARR//Customer/Telephone[contains(@PhoneNumber, ',/-ARR')]
ArrangerDepending on the "dispatch e-mail" of the Company:
  • Amadeus Mail:
    • If "Itinerary" is activated: AP ,/-ARR
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: AP ARR*
  • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
    • If "Itinerary" is activated: RM*EMAIL: ,/-ARR
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: RM*ARR*EMAIL:
  • Amadeus Mail:
    • //Customer/Email[contains(text(), ',/-ARR')]
    • //Customer/Email[starts-with(text(), 'ARR*')]
  • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
    • //Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and Text[contains(text(), ',/-ARR')]]
    • //Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and Text[starts-with(text(), '*ARR')]]
Approver Name & PhoneAP <Name> <phone>,/-AUT//Customer/Telephone[contains(@PhoneNumber, ',/-AUT')]
  • Amadeus Mail:
    • If "Itinerary" is activated: AP ,/-AUT
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: AP AUT*
  • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
    • If "Itinerary" is activated: RM*EMAIL: ,/-AUT
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: RM*AUT*EMAIL:
  • Amadeus Mail:
    • //Customer/Email[contains(text(), ',/-AUT')]
    • //Customer/Email[starts-with(text(), 'AUT*')]
  • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
    • //Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and Text[contains(text(), ',/-AUT')]]
    • //Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and Text[starts-with(text(), '*AUT')]]
Emergency Name & PhoneAP <Name> <phone>,/-ECT//Customer/Telephone[contains(@PhoneNumber, ',/-ECT')]
Emergency Email
  • Amadeus Mail:
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: AP ECT*
  • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
    • If "Itinerary" is deactivated: RM*ECT*EMAIL:
  • Amadeus Mail:
    //Customer/Email[starts-with(text(), 'ECT*')]
  • Amadeus Fax Email Plus
    //Comments/Comment[@Name='RM' and Text[starts-with(text(), '*ECT')]]