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Publishing from Faces

Error Message
Failed to validate request signature Customers need Umbrella employee has to check pre-shared key with customer.
Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
Failed to parse response body

Customers endpoint (URL) is not set up correctly.

Customer needs to change endpoint details to be able to receive jsons correctly as well as return a response (e.g. OK plus locator).

Failed to calculate digital signature of the request Check Umbrella employee has to check interface setup (My agency) on our Umbrella's end , (is password entered?)
Communication failureThis could mean that our the Umbrella Faces request is blocked by a firewall or if there is something wrong with the communication, for example we do Umbrella does not trust their your https certificate. Check firewall settings It could also very well be that the webserver (endpoint) is not configured correctly.Umbrella employee has to check firewall settings and webserver setup with customer. If that does not solve the error, Umbrella employee should check logs.
Secure connection to '<hostname>' failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  • Incomplete chain is presented: servers must provide full chain up to root CA
  • Wrong certificate is presented: (e.g. the certificate is for but the actual host name from the profile update url is Servers must always present a certificate for the correct hostname
  • The certificate is issued by an untrusted CA

Customer needs to check certificate chain or certificate hostname settings.

(help page:

Secure connection to '<hostname>' failed (CertificateExpiredException NotAfter: Mon Apr 13 01:59:59 CEST 2015)

Expired / Not Yet Valid Certificate, Webservers must provide a valid SSL certificate

Customer needs to check certificate.
Secure connection to '<hostname>' failed (SSL Handshake Failed)

SSL Handshake failed.

Customer needs to check supported TLS versions on receiver side - usually the receiver is using outdated (insecure) encryption.
Connection to '<hostname>' failed (connection refused)Connection refused. The target server is not reachable.Customer needs to check firewall settings on receiver side.
Remote host '<hostname>' failed to respond (timeout)

Connection time out. The server did not reply within our timeout of 30 seconds.

Customer needs to check response time.
Not FoundThe error is given by customers endpoint and we Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customers need Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
Server ErrorThe error is given by customers endpoint and we Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customers need Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
FAILThe error is given by customers endpoint and we Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customers need Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
UnauthorizedThe error is given by customers endpoint and we Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customers need Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
Access deniedThe error is given by customers endpoint and we Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customers need Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
Bad requestThe error is given by customers endpoint and we Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customers need Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
FOUNDThe error is given by customers endpoint and we Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customers need Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side.
400 Umbrella employee has to check XML dumps. Depending on the error, Umbrella will check the Midoco setup, or customer needs to check on their side.
ForbiddenThe error is given by customers endpoint and Umbrella cannot tell what is wrong.Customer needs to check setup of endpoint on their side. If needed, Umbrella employee can provide logs (XML dumps).

Publishing from external system

Failed to validate request signatureThey do send nothing or randomly formatted something.Customers Customer should check the json structure and data they try to send.