Drop Down | Codes |
Male | M |
Female | F |
Undisclosed | U |
Unspecified / OhtersOthers | X |
Mapping details for all target systems can be found at ??????
Currently the Gender is tide tied to the Greeting. With the implementation we will split Greeting form the Gender. A migration will take place which will automatically set the Gender by the following logic:
Greeting | Gender |
Mr | Male |
Mrs, Ms | Female |
UnkownUnknown | Undisclosed |
For all Agencies which are using a customize customized development (Circle) where the standard fields “Greeting” is disable and replace by a custom field “Gender” we will prepare a migration to remove the custom field and copy the values to the new Gender field.
The source "gender" used in the custom publish action (COPY) will still synchronize the value tide tied gender value from the greeting. In case the new value from the gender field wants needs to be used, the source "gender need to " would be modified wiht with the new source "sex".
New value for Greeting “Miss”
in “Field” of the customize standard field allows you to setup the fields.
Agencies which have create created a custom field to store the “Title” can migrate the data to the new “Title” field. In case support is need please contact our faces-support@umbrella.ch.
The new standard field “Name suffix” can be activated at the agency “customize standard fields” by removing the setting
Agencies which have create created a custom field to store the Name suffix can migrate the data to the new Name suffix field. In case support is need please contact our faces-support@umbrella.ch.