Validation of custom publish action (Agency & Company)

We validate custom publish actions (COPY & FILTER). Invalid COPY & FILTER entries will be rejected and marked by the system the next time the setup of the agency and/or company is saved. The invalid actions must be corrected or deleted. Today any invalid COPY & FILTER actions will not send data to a target system (Interface)


An invalid target is saved.
Target "username" is an invalid target to the Sabre Interface
Solution: remove action or use correct Sabre target which can be found at Sabre Sources

An invalid source is saved.
Source "CostCentre" is an invalid source. 
Solution: remove action or use correct source "genInternalCostCentre".


Validation Credit card Expiry

A validation is implemented which requires the credit card type, number and expiry date to store the card. For all existing credit cards in the system without an expiry date we will automatically set the past expiry date of 01/01.