Upcoming change to Greeting & Title on traveller profiles

Currently available fields:

With the upcoming change, these fields will be deprecated. We are planning to remove these deprecated fields (gender & title) by the end of September 2024.

During the deprecation period, both the old and the new data structures ("greeting", see below) will be available in the API, with transparent conversion of the values.
However, you may only use either structure in a Create / Update request (i.e. do not send a "greeting" along with "gender" and "title" fields as these are mutually exclusive and might partially or fully overwrite each other if used in parallel).

New fields available will be:

Title structure 'Default (Europe)'

Title structure 'Compound (US/UK)'

Important: Depending on the agency settings for 'Title structure', either commonTitle / formalTitle OR compoundTitle are being used. Please consult our documentation for further details.

On top of that, two new greeting/gender values are implemented: Miss (MISS) & Undisclosed/Others (NON_BINARY, X)

Furthermore, a new field will be available: Name suffix / nameSuffix

Transition logic for deprecated fields

We will continue to support the deprecated fields until their scheduled removal. The following translation logic will be applied:

From Faces (HTTP GET)gender
  • If a commonTitle is present, it is reported as-is
  • Otherwise, the one-letter code of the sex is reported (M / F / U / X)
 titleWill be mapped one-to-one from greeting.formalTitle
To Faces (HTTP PATCH / POST)gender
  • If value is a known sex type one-letter code (M / F / U / X), apply it as "sex"
    • For F set greeting commonTitle = MS
    • for M set greeting commonTitle = MR
  • If value is a known common title, apply it as such and derive the default sex from it (e.g. MR = Sex "MALE", MS = Sex "FEMALE")
  • Otherwise set Sex = "UNDEF" and remove commonTitle. The sent value will not be stored.
 titleWill be mapped one-to-one to greeting.formalTitle

New standard field 'state' on company

With our next release the new field 'state' will be available on all company profiles. If on a company profile the country field is filled with either 'United States', 'Canada', or 'Mexico', an additional standard field will be available to select the 'state'. The 'state' field includes all relevant states of the respective country in a drop-down list. The value of 'state' in the JSON is always a two-letter code.


API rate limiting

If we monitor excessive API calls over a longer period, we reserve the right to set a rate limiting or to charge for these calls.