Using the Profiles on Demand API allows third-party applications to query profile information from Umbrella Faces after being authorized with OAuth2 authentication.

The interface is part of our standard web service offering and can be found in our swagger.yml documentation.

Preamble / General Notes

The Profiles on Demand API relies fully on the OAuth2 protocol to perform authentication and authorization to profiles. It is strongly suggested to get a general grasp of the OAuth 2.0 flows, specifically the Authorization Code and Client Credentials flows, before running any API related inquiries.

While the Profiles on Demand API does not currently support all data fields and entity types available in Umbrella Faces, the API is continuously being developed and extended. As a result, new data structures may be added to existing responses at any time without prior notice. It is therefore required to design a client application to only request information needed by the application as well as configure the application to not fail should there be additional (newly added) properties in the response.


Application registration and certification

Third parties wishing to access data from Faces must provide the following details, which will be evaluated before any Oauth API can be accessed:


Application NameApplication name, which will be shown to the user
Application PurposeShort description of what the application wants to achieve using the Oauth2 enabled APIs
Desired OAuth ScopesOAuth Scopes requested by the application see ----todo OauthScopes ---
Desired OAuth Flow(s)

One or more OAuth flows, see Supported OAuth2 Flows 

By default you will be granted access to the Authorization Code flow, which requires user interaction to authorize your application, however depending on your applications purpose it may be possible to setup a different flow (For example to allow unlimited access to all profiles belonging to your own travel agency in case you’re implementing an in-house application)


Umbrella will provide the application with a clientId and clientSecret to be used for development on our integration environment at


Certification will be achieved by demonstrating the product accessing Faces using Oauth


Available OAuth Data-Scopes