
Create a new traveller by clicking on "Manage travellers" and then clicking on the plus icon on the right hand side. This opens a new travellers mask where the traveller data can be given in.

Following fields are mandatory in order to create a new profile: Username, Company, Greeting, First name as in Passport, Surname as in Passport, E-mail, Date of birth.

N.B: Birth date is not mandatory for a circle administrator, an agency administrator and an Umbrella supporter

Search Travellers

In order to search for a traveller profile directly in the UI, click on "Manage travellers" under the Travellers Tab and either click on "Search" directly without giving in a value in the search field (this displays a list of all the travellers in alphabetical order) or give in a specific search value.

Following terms can be used when searching for a traveller:

These values can also be combined for more specific search results i.e. by giving in First name, Last name and Company name in the search box and the clicking on search.



Company profiles can be created, edited and deleted. Create a new Company in the tab "Companies" by clicking on "Manage companies" and a second click to the green "plus icon". This will create a new empty input mask for a company profile. The deletion of a company profile also deletes all associated travellers. After saving a company profile (new or modifications) the profile data is transmitted to the relevant systems. A status message is shown in the Section Publishing.

Following terms can be used when searching for a traveller: