Error MessageMeaningSolution
Failed with Invalid property phonebusiness of bean class [ch.umbrella.tenzing.form.TravellerBinding]: Bean property phonebusiness is not readable or has an invalid getter method: Does the return type of the getter match the parameter type of the setter?
  • The error is returned due to a setting for traveller profiles (to be found on either the company or on the agency setup) that goes against the values needed to for the HR Feed to create a profile.
    • Example: Name field is a mandatory field both in Faces and for an HR feed to create a new profile. If there is a filter in Faces to remove the name, then this error will be returned
  • The HR Feed settings does not allow a specific function (i.e update via HR feed are not allowed)


  • Delete the filter
  • Comply with HR feed Requirements or ask for a change request of the specifications (development to allow function
Connection refusedThere is a technical error on Umbrella's end, i.e the import server was downUmbrella IT has to solve the issue so that the files can be read in